Monday, October 11, 2010

Recognizing the signs of human trafficking

Victims of human trafficking can be found in our neighborhoods. They are living amongst us but are hard to recognize. There are two types of victims: commercial sex victims and forced labor victims.

Finding and helping victims is all about recognizing the signs and indicators. Some of the indicators of forced labor are:

People are living on their work premises
There is restricted or controlled communications and transportations
There are a large number of occupants for the living space
There is a lack of private space, personal possessions or financial records
They have a limited knowledge of the community
Security is intended to keep victims confined

Victims can be working in: domestic servitude, sweatshops/factories, construction, farming or landscaping, hotel or tourist industries, panhandling, janitorial services, and restaurant services.

Victims in commercial sex can be resistant to help because they may be physically or emotionally coerced. They may be coached to have a fear of law enforcement, a fear of deportation or a fear of retaliation. There may be indicators like injuries from beatings or self-inflicted injuries. There may be branding, scarring or tattooing to indicating ownership.

If you recognize any of these indicators please contact your local law enforcement or the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center - 1-888-3737-888


  1. you are rad!!! thank you for your work!!!!


  2. You're very welcome, real men don't buy girls
