Thursday, October 21, 2010

Has your cell phone gone for a swim?

It does happen; your mobile phone goes into the drink and now what. This advice comes from a young friend who is sometimes careless with his phone. Rice is the answer. Put your phone in a bowl of uncooked rice for about a week. Uncooked rice is great at pulling the moisture out of the phone. My young friend's wife swears by this process.

Desiccant also works, but be careful because it's powder and might cause additional damage. The most familiar form of desiccant is the little packets that come with electronics to absorb moisture during shipment. The label says "do not eat". Also silica gel packets work well and can be purchased on-line.

However most of us don't keep any desiccant or silica packs around the house. So if your mobile phone hits the drink, head for the nearest Chinese market and purchase a bag of uncooked rice.

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